There also is a statute that indicates that it is a crime to use a telephone, the internet, or any other telecommunications device to annoy, abuse, harass, or threaten another person. Meanwhile, anyone who engages in caller ID spoofing—meaning they disguise the number that appears on the target’s caller ID— could be charged with a crime. For instance, the federal law against stalking is often used in these cases.

Cyberstalking incidents often involve rejected would-be suitors or former partners. However, a case in Delaware involved an attorney being victimized by a rejected interviewee. Ho Ka Terence Yung launched an attack on the victim, who was an alumni interviewer at a law school that rejected Yung. The victim and his family were subjected to harassment for 18 months. While the psychological profiles of online stalkers tend to quite closely match those of offline stalkers, there are a couple of differences. Cyberstalkers are more likely to be ex-partners of their victims and are less likely to approach their victims. However, most cyber stalkers do use some offline tactics.

Internet of Things devices such as home assistants and security systems can pose risks too. They may be sending or receiving information that can be used to determine information about your day-to-day life or whereabouts. What’s more, as mentioned earlier, in-home cameras can be hacked allowing criminals to spy on and even communicate with you and your family members. We’ll go into more detail about this below, but it’s important to log any activity that makes you uncomfortable, even if you don’t think it constitutes cyberstalking at that moment. These situations can quickly escalate, so it’s better if you have a full record of all activity when the time comes to report it. A Virtual Private Network is a must when it comes to online security and privacy. It encrypts all of the internet traffic traveling to and from your device.

Use technology to threaten or blackmail the target. Tag the target in posts excessively, even if they have nothing to do with them. Comment on or like everything the target posts online. Create fake accounts to follow the target on social media. Block the person from your phone, email, and/or social media accounts. The list of benefits to Spotify stalking your crush is a long one. If they’re still listening to “I Just Had Sex” by The Lonely Island, block immediately.

A good snoop listens to everything and doesn’t leave any information gathered behind. Better yet stalkers can’t rationalize things because if we could we probably wouldn’t be stalking in the first place. If you hear it from his sisters best friends baby sitter twice removed, it’s as good as gold. You want to gather as much as you can and hearsay is information. It may not be the best platform for information or even the forty-fifth best choice but it is information. We tend to give the benefit of the doubt to ones we like or used to love. And when you are finished you will be able to make an informed decision.

When you stalk someone on Facebook do they know?

I don’t dig super hard, but if they show up really quickly, I do take a look. It’s surprisingly easy with just a first name, location, and company they work for. In the past, relationships were cultivated in person, via phone or by mail. Communication was directed at a single person or small group.

A person’s friend is more likely to post goofy or embarrassing pictures to their page. That person might also spend a lot of time commenting and interacting on their friends’ profiles so don’t forget to look there. If you want to take the stalking a step further and really get all the information you can, hit up their friends’ profiles.

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Take screenshots of any activity that the stalker has undertaken as part of their campaign. It’s best to start this as soon as possible, even if something seems relatively insignificant. This way, you’ll be able to show how the situation has escalated over time if that’s the case.

It’s also worth reporting to any relevant platforms being used by the stalker. I’m not 18 and I do not want to have Police on my back. My stalker is also under 17, I know he cannot do anything since he’s in another country but I can’t take his messages anymore.

Use Google

For example, if you know your subject’s name, job title, and location, you can probably find their LinkedIn profile. Let’s say you scroll too much and see that someone posts snarky movie opinions, or they have a cringeworthy taste in memes, or you think they smile with way too much teeth. While it’s important to listen to your gut about true red flags, try not to sabotage a date before you give someone a chance to show you who they are in real life. Once they give you their phone number, just type that into FB search and their profile will come up (if they’ve listed their phone number in their profile).

There has been debate about some cyberstalking laws as there are cases in which there is a fine line between cyberstalking and free speech. However, these cases are more often those that concern public figures such as politicians. Cyberstalking is a relatively new crime and it continues to evolve alongside ever-advancing technology. So how does cyberstalking fit within the legal system? The answer to that depends on which country you’re in.

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